Herbalvet Allergy Mushroom Extract - 100 ml

€49,90 €29,90

Voraussichtliche Lieferung zwischen dem frühesten und dem spätesten Liefertermin.

Allergies result from the immune system's improper and excessive function, causing histamine buildup and chronic inflammation. These are often triggered by external allergens.

Benefits of Mushrooms in Allergy Management:

- Almond Mushroom: Acts as an immunomodulator and antioxidant, reducing histamine release.
- Reishi Mushroom: Contains natural plant steroids that help curb allergic reactions.
- - Beta Glucans: Both mushrooms have beta glucans that regulate the immune system.

Mushrooms contain hundreds of active compounds that help address nutritional deficiencies, such as minerals, trace elements, amino acids, and vitamins (B, D, E).

Causes of Allergic Reactions:

1. External Parasites: Fleas often cause allergic dermatitis. Effective flea control is essential before addressing other issues.
2. Food Allergies: Allergies can also be triggered by certain foods or feeds. Choosing the right diet is crucial, along with professional treatment to alleviate symptoms. The immune system should be supported, not suppressed, in the long term.

3. Individual Sensitivities: In some cases, a single exposure to an allergen can trigger an exaggerated immune response, leading to severe reactions like anaphylactic shock.

For all these types, the common approach is avoiding allergens and modulating the immune system. In the short term, this might involve blocking the immune response with steroids, but in the long term, supporting the immune system is vital.

We believe this natural supplement, made entirely from natural ingredients, is perfect for supporting the immune system effectively.



- Organic Almond Mushroom (Agaricus Blazei Murrill)
- Organic dried Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum): 0.06 g/ml
- Glycerin: 0.9 g/ml

Lieferung innerhalb Europas 1-5 Werktage.


€49,90 €29,90


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