
Pilzextrakte von höchster Qualität

Mycolife Beauty

Cosmetics with mushroom extracts

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

We are participating at IMMC12 in Bari between 24-27 September. Meet us and the greatest international mycologists like Paul Stamets there.

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Kostenloser Versand ab 100€

Product categories

Wir kümmern uns um die Bedürfnisse aller


Unsere Produkte sind zu 100 % zuckerfrei und somit gesund und ohne schlechtes Gewissen.


Unsere Produkte sind 100 % glutenfrei und somit für jeden unbedenklich.


Unsere Produkte sind 100 % alkoholfrei und somit für den unbedenklichen Konsum in jedem Alter geeignet.


Unsere Produkte sind 100 % laktosefrei und somit für jeden geeignet.


Unsere Produkte sind 100 % vegan, d. h. sie werden ohne Tierversuche hergestellt und sind umweltfreundlich.

Mycolife vs. Konkurrenz

Die Aufnahme von Nährstoffen ist der Schlüssel.

Die flüssigen Pilzextrakte von Mycolife werden im Gegensatz zu normalem Tee, Alkoholextrakten und traditionellen Pulverkapseln mit einer einzigartigen, weltweit einzigartigen Technologie hergestellt. Diese Technologie ermöglicht eine bis zu 10- bis 20-mal höhere Konzentration der Extrakte, wodurch die Menge der Wirkstoffe aus Heilpilzen und Kräutern deutlich erhöht wird.

In unseren Produkten kommen Vollextrakte zum Einsatz:
Pilze und Pflanzen enthalten Tausende natürlicher chemischer Verbindungen. Unsere Technologie extrahiert alle Wirkstoffe (sowohl wasserlösliche als auch fettlösliche), wie es die Natur vorgesehen hat! Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass die Wirkstoffe synergetisch wirken und sich gegenseitig in ihrer Wirksamkeit verstärken.

Unsere drei Musketiere

Beauty products with mushrooms

Arbeiten Sie im Gesundheitswesen?

Derzeit verschreiben mehr als 20 Ärzte ihren Patienten unsere Mycolife-Extrakte. Sie vertrauen auf die Wirksamkeit und Qualität unserer Produkte.

Wie ist Mycolife anzuwenden?

  • Schritt 1: Messen Sie Ihr Mycolife

    Um eine 5-ml-Portion Pilzextrakt abzumessen, verwenden Sie den im Paket enthaltenen Löffel. Füllen Sie den Löffel bis zur Markierung, um eine genaue Dosis zu erhalten.

  • Schritt 2: Gießen Sie es in Ihr Getränk und genießen Sie

    Gießen Sie den Inhalt Ihres Löffels in das Getränk Ihrer Wahl. Rühren Sie ein- oder zweimal um. Und genießen Sie es, mit jedem Schluck gesünder zu werden!