Herbalvet Cardio Mushroom Extract - 100 ml


Voraussichtliche Lieferung zwischen dem frühesten und dem spätesten Liefertermin.

Medicinal mushrooms that support the immune system also benefit cardiovascular and circulatory diseases. Risk factors for these diseases include poor diet, obesity, lack of exercise, and their consequences, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipid levels, and atherosclerosis.

While dogs and cats commonly experience high blood pressure and diabetes, cholesterol levels aren't as concerning as they are in humans. Persistent high cholesterol in dogs is often a result of other health issues rather than a cause.

Supporting the liver and kidneys is essential for detoxification and can aid in treating conditions like Babesiosis and Cushing's disease. In developed countries, including Hungary, 1-4% of dogs have diabetes, although not all cases are diagnosed. Approximately 1% require lifelong insulin injections.

Diabetes is officially classified as incurable, requiring frequent blood checks and daily insulin injections. The symptoms, such as increased thirst and urination, often lead owners to seek veterinary advice, where blood tests can confirm diabetes even if blood sugar levels are normal at that moment.

Managing diabetes in dogs can be compared to a three-legged stool: proper diet, exercise, and medicinal mushroom blends. With patience, it is sometimes possible to stabilize blood sugar levels, potentially eliminating the need for insulin in cases of acquired type 2 diabetes. However, this isn't always guaranteed and depends on the diabetes type.

This supplement isn't primarily for treating congenital heart defects, arrhythmias, or valve issues. It is more beneficial for:

- High blood pressure
- Viral infections
- Adverse changes in liver or kidney blood parameters
- Supporting leukemia treatment
- Diabetes management
- Chronic inflammation
- Cushing's disease (as a supplementary therapy for hormone imbalances common in dogs)
- Post-acute phase of Babesiosis

This summary maintains the essential points about the health benefits and applications of medicinal mushrooms for pets, focusing on their role in managing specific conditions.

Lieferung innerhalb Europas 1-5 Werktage.




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